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AI Stock Image Creation



Transform your designs with AI-generated stock images!

No professional pictures? No problem - we can generate high quality 8k, life-like images that will work seamlessly with your brand! 


You Receive: 

- Design Consultation (Optional)

- Set of 5 Stock Images only (watermark free)

- Prompts used are additional (+$100)


Turnaround Time

# of Images

I have read and accept BZR Media's Policies

Up to 10 characters.

Email Address

Up to 150 characters.



- Reference Images required
- Brand Assets: Please provide brand assets like logos, fonts, and color palettes to ensure consistency with existing branding and identity (source files are preferred). 
- Objectives: define the purpose and objective of the design, including target audience, key message, and desired action from viewers.
Content Ready: Prepare all necessary content for the design, including text, images, contact information, and any other essential details.
Design Preferences: Provide inspiration or preferences on look and feel desired.


Within 12 hours of your purchase, you will receive an email from ( with a link to either [the Client] portal or to the design questionnaire where pertinent details will need to be provided by [the Client] for the project.


There is a ONE round revision limit. Due to the nature of this service, we cannot guarantee exact results as it is artificial intelligence. Any additional revisions requested are $40 per round (subject to change depending on the changes requested). Revisions take 2-5 business days to complete.  


Your final approved stock images will be delivered by the turnaround deadline selected during purchase and made available through the Client Portal and by email. You will receive any of the following formats (PNG, JPG, PDF). 

Refund Policy

Due to the nature of products and services rendered, BZR Media cannot provide refunds. You have the option to cancel your order, however funds will not be remitted and your designs may be used at BZR Media's discretion.

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